If you have faithfully encouraged your husband, you will no doubt have seen some changes in his life . . . and your own life, as well. Encouragement is a wonderful habit that we hope you will continue for the rest of your life.
The important thing is to keep growing in Christ and obeying the Word of God as you respond to your husband. As you consider today how to bless your husband and not tear him down, think of ways that you can encourage balance in your home.
Jesus led a balanced life. He grew mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially. As you see your husband branching out in these areas, is there a pattern of growth? Is your husband striving for balance in his life? If so, let him know you have noticed, and ask how you can further encourage that balance.
If your husband is out of balance—focusing on one area to the exclusion of the others—consider whether there are things you can do to help restore or create balance in his life. Can you encourage times for sports or exercise? Keep the children quiet for a study time? Invite friends over for dinner? Stimulate his mind?
Be sure you are working toward balance in your own life, as well. Be an example!
It has been so amazing to watch my husband grow deeply in the Lord. I praise God for the work he has done in his life. I love to encourage him in his walk. I know because we have talked about it that he is unbalanced concerning anything aside from God. He is ALL focused in the area of being so submerged in the word of the Lord and work of the Lord that everything else has become unbalanced mostly concerning health and excercise. We both believe it is important to take care of your body to the glory of God so that we can serve Him better. I want to work on encouraging him to explore this area more. I think we struggle because there was a time in our life when we were unbalanced in exactly the opposite... our focus was health and excercise and we were unbalanced in all things concerning God.
I also am trying to lighten up in the area of being more hospitable and encouraging for him to go out. My husband has such a passion to spread the gospel and I feel a struggle to let go of my time with him to encourage him to go do these things.
I am enjoying examining my husband and myself and learning how to grow as a wife for His glory and encourage my husband to grow in his calling as a minister, husband and father. It has been such a wonderful journey so far, not to say it hasn't been hard because Oh my it has been, but God is good. Let me encourage you with this, when you feel a certain way this day say this... "I feel like... but I am going to believe He is good." because it is true.
May God bless you all in your marriages.
JOYfully in Him,