Monday, October 29, 2007

Superman has...

An amazing personality
A JOYful spirit
Boundless energy
A Loving heart
A Secret Gentle side
A Handsome face
A strong independent mind
Determination like I have never seen in a kid
A laugh that makes you giddy
A spunk that is contagious
A goofiness that brings your spirit to laugh
A sense of humor
And a prankster that is daily growing
A deep side that surfaces every so often
A love for God and His Son
A special place in my life

Superman has...


Superman has been the center of my universe since he was born, for 3 years he filled the space alone and now he shares it. He is a truly wonderful kid and we are all lucky to be so blessed with his amazing presence, there is no other Superman, he is the one and only. I can not fully express the deep love that I have for this Little, he brings so much joy to my life and so many smiles to my face. I can not believe that on Wednesday he will be turning 7 leaving another year in the memory bank of my mind. I am so blessed to be his mother and to watch God work in his life and mold him into His might servant.


Trina said...

Happy Birthday SUPERMAN!! It goes by so quickly. Im so glad that you recognize that and are savoring it!

Jules said...

Happy Birthday, Superman! Kelli, you have a(I would say adorable, but I know how much boys like to be called that!lol) very handsome young man. Time does fly by and I can't believe my oldest will be 3 in February! Come by my blog, I have another award for you; it's a cute one! :o)
