One more day and we enter into a new year. If you are anything like me looking back into the mirror of 2007 you can see the smudges and sparkles in the reflections, the good and the bad of the year and you feel the things that come with all of them. It is in view now, the new year, and the possiblities that we see are endless and filled with all that is good. We are given an hope and an opportunity to start fresh, to wipe all those old smudges away and begin fresh. This year let us not resolve to do things differently in the New Year but let us decide to reform our lives, to change for the better, for Christ. To.. look carefully how we walk through this year, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil... and constantly walking by the Spirit... and not gratifying the desires of our flesh. (Galatians 5:16-17, Ephesians 5:15-16) So wipe those smudges of 2007 away and remember the sparkles.
Don't forget what the Lord did in 2007, hold on to those like precious gems. He has plans for us in 2008! Big plans, plans not to prosper you or to give you a good life with not hardships but plans to use you for His Kingdom, for His eternal purposes that you can not fathom. In 2008 He will provide you will all that you will need in every circumstance, in the physical and in the spiritual and in the emotional for He has already provided His only begotton Son and His promises are solid.
Today reform your life by...
Trust(ing) in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding . In all your ways acknoledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5 and praying, Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Psa 25:4 Refrom your life by living your life not for yourself but for Christ.
Go to His word and allow Him to teach you His paths that He desire for you to walk in. Enjoy reading these resolutions that were for this man of God a reformation of his life. Also, why not Turn up the Music with Point of Grace...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Resolution vs.Reformation
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Walk... in Love
Expresso got a call this afternoon and all I heard was: "We don't have any plans" and "Sure, yeah man that sounds great" or something to that effect. In my mind I just knew it was a friend of his asking to see if he was free to hang out. I was ready, waiting for him to come ask me if it was okay if he go "hang out" and I was fighting myself inside of how I was going to handle it with grace or with jealous anger. He approached me and before he could get a word out I uttered: "What?" with a tone of aggitation. What I got was a hard slap in the face, not literally, he said a friend had arranged for a babysitter for us so that we could go eat with them and some others. My jealous anger and aggitation slowly faded away and was replaced with relief, then excitement and then guilt. The Lord is good to us even though we so don't deserve it, which is always.
It was a wonderful time of fellowship with good people and good friends. The conversation roamed everywhere from the funny to the ridiculous to the slightly more serious. Their weren't a whole lot of serious talk. We just got home a few minutes ago and put all of the littles to bed.
Going back to my attitudy earlier, I don't want to behave that way. I can't tell you how many inner battles I fight on a daily basis against this flesh I live in. Life is precious and my family is it right behind my Saviour. They are the most amazing people that fill me with a special JOY that can be found no where else, it is a unique JOY that only they hold in their smiles, eyes, laughs, hugs and kisses, in their hands and in their hearts. Love is all I desire to give them, love is all I desire to display, love is all I desire to speak to them and love is all they desire from me. When my dear hard working husband wants to go "hang out" I desire to display my love for him in my attitude towards his request for some time instead of displaying my ungrateful heart reflections onto him and denying him something that would give him rest and enjoyment. Instead of thinking about how I will be left alone for hours with out him to tend to the children Oh how I could be thinking what a wonderful time he could have away being encouraged and come home to love and how I could spend those hours alone with the children showing them love.
It is not an easy thing to overcome. It is not easy to think this way when you are overcome with feelings of loneliness, it is hard to overcome self. To hang onto love. To find JOY in being alone. To enjoy time with your children even though the responsibilty is high and hard. To love those closet around you even when you don't feel good. To keep your focus on the Cross when the idle of self rises up.
Be Quiet first in Worship
Saturday, December 29, 2007
We're all a little Cooky!
We will begin another round of homeschool on Monday. I can not wait to get started again, Growing Minds of Wisdom. In honor of the beginning of our 2008 Homeschool year I give you this video:
Friday, December 28, 2007
Doctor's Visit
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Farewell Christmas 2007
The days of December have quickly passed along and the new year approaches with it's lingering presence, just days away. I can feel it breathing down my neck. I will miss another year transfered into my memory and I long for the newness of another. 2008. We spent our week before Christmas visiting with family in Louisiana. Unfortunetly on our trip into La. we experienced a tragedy with Butterfly. After a few hours of driving with heavy eye lids we stop for a breather and some coffee. A few minutes at the table of a restaurant and our beautiful Butterfuly found my cup of very hot coffee. We were unaware that she was in reaching distance of the cup until in a split second. One second we were all laughing and about to enjoy our road trip break and the next we were frantically rushing to the hospital where we found out she had second degree burns on her forearm of her right arm. We were devasted that she was in so much pain and in guilt for some how allowing it to happen. We praised God though that it was not much worse such as her face or all over her body, it was a big cup and it soaked her jeans and sweat shirt. God is good. The incident we know had a purpose and we trusted God in it, though we may not fully understand why these things happen. The rest of the trip went smoothly and she was given the strength to endure her injury with no signs of pain or discomfort at all, again praise God!
While we were in Louisiana we were able to visit with many family members and just enjoy them. Unfortunetly my side of the family had to cancel on us for medical reasons and we were all really disappointed with that. We were also extremely blessed to visit with some friends as well... one of my closet friends and let me tell you that there is no one friendship like hers. We enjoyed a fabulous time of shopping together.
Monday, also known as my birthday and the day before Christmas or Christmas Eve, we were on the road again. We left Louisiana at 11:45 and walked in our door at 7:30 completely exhausted but anxious about our family celebration of Christmas. Christmas day was a BLAST! The Littles loved all of their gifts, of course! and we had so much playing together with them. We then were so blessed to spend an amazing time of fellowship with our close friends for dinner. Praise God that He brought us all together on such a special day.
And now we are back to reality... bills to pay, books to return to the library, homeschooling planning for next week, a house to straigten, clean, declutter and organize, loans to tackle, new habits to form, resolutions to make, lists to conquer, cars to clean and register, old toys to dispose of and new toys to embrace, laundry to do, meals to plan and sleep to get. Oh, it's good to be home, :0).
JOYfully in Him,
Monday, December 17, 2007
Family Traveling and Shocking Message
I can't believe it is already Monday! How depressing how time flies by me. Last Wednesday we found out that a close relative of my husband's passed away unexpectidly and so were detoured in our original plans. We packed up to attend her funeral and to remember her beautiful servants heart. I sat and listened to her mother in law our great grandma reflect on her kindness and generousity with her time and love, it was encouraging to me. Hearts were broken at her absence but joyful at her presence somewhere else. We are now in Lake Charles Louisiana visiting with family. We had a wonderful time at Starbucks with a cousin and her husband just discussing God, religon, adoption, and family. I don't know if I told you but God, on the day their baby was taken away, blessed them with the news that they were pregnant! She was not suppose to be able to get pregnant, I am always so amazed at His way of revealing His glory. He has always in our lives waited till the last possible minute when it is either assumed immpossible or unheard and then miraculously He shows himself. All praise and glory is His!
The other night Expresso and I watched an amazing sermon that I must share. We had never heard of this guy or his ministry but a friend told Expresso to watch a video of him speaking at a youth conference, that it was shocking. So of course say no more we were on the computer at 11:00 that night and what we heard was more than what we were expecting and probably one of the most heartfelt and bold speaches we have ever listened to. Here take a look for yourself:
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Winter Fun
Winter just can't seem to make up his mind whether or not he wants to stay or not, I think he has cold feet.... :0). I love the crisp cold air when I open the door in the morning. It is so refreshing after a hot summer. If you are looking for somethings to do while you stay indoors from the blistering cold or while you continue to wait for him to arrive may I suggest grabbing some white paper or tissue paper, a puzzle, some glue, some crayons and some scissors and enjoy some family time with these:
Snowflake Designs : Have little ones that can't cut yet? don't fear they have printable flakes to color.
A Snowflake Treat: I was pleasanty impressed with these, very good and easy!!
Wintery Christmas puzzle: as easy or hard as you would like it to be.
Dress a Snowman
Starfall Snowman : really cute
Paper Mache Snowman: cute but more difficult than I am willing to do, but maybe you are more super of a mom than me :0)
Snowman Dress up easy: we did this, super easy and cute
Sock Snowman: cute, we wanted to do this and were going to use cotton balls instead of rice. You can also just use markers for the littler ones instead of glueing small pieces.
*I really wanted to make a lot of snowflakes and put them on our van's window for our traveling adventure but I don't think we are going to accomplish that, but it was a good idea. If it is cold out grab a hot cup of coffee or cocoa and just enjoy your time together! I am hoping that we can do this when we get home from traveling.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Gift Tags
We are dreaming of a white Christmas along with the Drifters :0). We *LOVE* this song, when it comes on the radio we all jump with excitement and run to find the remote to turn it up. We then preceed to dance around the house lip singing, we have the example of Kevin Arnold to blame for our insane behavior and the Drifters. Hope you enjoy it along with us!!
I don't really want to spend any extra money on gift tags this year so I decided to make our own. I found tons of tags online, here are my favorites:
Jan Brett
A Kids Heart
Debbie Dawn
Cute Shapes Tags or Ornaments
Pretty Tags
Victorian Tags
Koala's Christmas Tags
Suess Ville Gift Tags (my personal favorite)
ABC Teach BW Tags (color them yourself, cute)
More BW Tags
Assorted Tags
We are going to use the Suesse Ville Tags, those are way to cute to pass up and the kids will love them!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Family Reflections
We have been faithful to our peaceful walks through the lineage of Christ in our Jesse Tree devotions thus far. It will become more difficult as we begin our our journey out of town next Friday, where the celebration of Christs' birth in Christmas is appalling to some and where time will be frantic and chaotic. I had a full nights rest with just a few Butterfly interruptions, she has a cough that keeps her up at night and miserable during the day. This morning I woke up in a disgusted attitude not quite ready to face the demands of the day but thankfully I was led to spend some quiet time in His presence for the strength needed to make it through this day with my sanity still in tact and smiles left on my littles faces. I knew that I desperately needed to be spiritually nourished this morning with the attitude that I was in and the days agenda on my mind along with having a little sick Butterfly to show lots of extra attention, love, sweet kisses and special lulaby dances.
The Nativity play last night was AWESOME. All of the little actors and actresses gave a phenominal performance. The background I worked on till 5:30 was satisfactory and really added the dramatic effect we were hoping for. I have to say though that the experience of getting it up on the wall was less than fun in my personal opinion, and you would say so to had you been the one to stand on a not so stable stable that was not meant to hold 120 something pound woman and stand on a way to tall wobbly ladder with lots of reaching. Superman nervously said his line with magnificent cuteness and execution, I was a very proud mom.
I am determined to have a great day not matter what decides to come my way. It is cold outside just like I like it and am excited about that. The boys are making crayon spidermen and Butterfly is asleep. I need to get our Christmas cards out in the mail today tomorrow, finish washing and folding the evil laundry and then at 3:00 we have a doctor appointment for our sick beautful girl. Less than excited about that but hopeful for some guidance on how to help releave and kill this cough. Gifts! We have many fun gifts to make for family this week, how fun is that going to be? To much!! :0) I have so many pictures to share with all of you of the things we have made and the fun we have been having as we celebrate but my camera usb cable connection is broke and so is Walmarts machines so hopefully soon.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
What time is it?
What a WONDERFUL week, FULL and BUSY, but wonderful all the same! Christmas has my mind churning with many thoughts of contentment and discontentment and the motivation that drives me through each day.... I hope to share more later.
Let me paint the scene at my house right now just for kicks... it is 3:11am and I am (obviously) still awake and it is Saturday night, NO it is Sunday morning! :0) The tv is on keeping me company, the Christmas tree lights dancing in the living room, all little ones are sleeping and I am painfully still holding my eyes open against their will. Dark navy blue paper, scissors, tape, rulers, pencils and paper weights lay on my kitchen floor awaiting me to finish their design. Me, the MAJOR procrastinator, has found herself cramming into a few hours what must be done by tomorrow for 100's to gaze upon. I completely underestimated the amount of time that I would take to complete this project. My little Superman is Wiseman #1 (and is nervous) in our Nativity play tomorrow evening and I was asked to create a back drop to add a little more dramatic essence to the scene. I was excited to do it and still am but am beating myself up once again for my outrageous lack of organization with my time. I always think that I will beable to start something at the last possible minute and finish it in plenty of time... and I always find myself right here in stressful agony. It is now 3:27 and my continual procrastination is leading me further down it's miserable path...
Monday, December 3, 2007
We are anxiously yet patiently awaiting the cominging of Christmas, the celebration of Christ our Saviours birth. We have spent the day creating many new decorations for our humble home and many JOYous memories to look back on in the years to come. Our tree is up and decorated though I feel something is missing. Christmas cards are on the table ready to be written with love and sent with anticipation of their arrival. Jesse Trees sit on the floor from moments ago when we all gathered as a family to prepare our minds for the coming of our Lord in a manger. Hot glue guns are still warm from little hands creating their masterpeices from nature. Our advent wreath sits in the middle our living room waiting for it's candles. Thoughts are still lingering of capturing many more moments like these and banking them for eternally lasting JOY satisfying memories. Tomorrow awaits us to experience it's freshness and adventures of daily living together, I can't wait! Our Expresso, whom we have missed so much behind all of the papers and books, is taking a day off to just be with us.
Note: no news on the adoption, all is the same and we are still praying.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Praying in the Word
Friday, November 30, 2007
Continue to pray...
(Update on below post)
The family of the baby girl are now her care takers, they got her sometime today. My heart is broken for our family who has just lost a baby girl. Again the situation with the family of the baby is completely incapable of adequately caring for her physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Plead with the Lord on her behalf that she will be handed into the arms of safety, love and security, that God's will in this will become clear and that peace will accompany it in either ending. Pray for the young mother to be comforted in this time of confusion, fear and loss and pray that she will focus on what is best for the her baby and that God will enable her the strength to do possibly the most difficult thing she might ever have to do and pray for her salvation as well. Pray for comfort and strength for our family as they undergo this emotional struggle of grief and understanding God's will in all of this. Above all pray that His glory will be revealed in this situation to all involved.
Thank you...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Pray (adoption)
I have been in a constant state of ongoing prayer for my husband’s cousin who is in the middle of adopting a newborn babygirl. The young mother of the baby girl is a mere 15 years old and in no condition to take care of a baby. The little girl was born on Monday and Expresso's cousin and her husband has had her since Tuesday. I can only imagine the joy they have been experiencing with their new baby girl. It was unfortunetly interrupted this evening when the baby's bio-family called and announced to come get her. I can not immagine the sinking feeling in their hearts as they realized their little girl was about to be taken away. Expresso's mother called to imform us of the news and I was deeply concerned for all of them. Expresso and I immediatly opened our bibles and got on the floor in prayer. A few minutes after we found out the baby's bio-family decided to sleep on it... oh, praise God! It is certain to me that He anwsered our prayers. I know that God is with them in this very uncertain and extremely difficult time and I just ask that you would please plead with God with us to allow our family to keep this baby girl. The family of the baby is in extremely bad conditions and is in no way fit to raise a child. (grandmother of baby girl has a bad history with her own children, fatalities and custoday battles) Sunday is the finalization of the adoption, please pray that they will make it to Sunday and that signatures will be signed on that day releasing her into my husband's cousin's arms permanitly.
Peace left, Peace found
Monday, November 26, 2007
The grim images were to much for my weary mind at 11:00 the other night. They sank deep into my being gripping every thought and memory leving none to wander, they tried to hide behind happier images and thoughts but found no where to rest before they to were overtaken. I lie awake unable to rest. The room was to dark and they continued to fill my mind... tug at my heart... their pain... their agony... their poverty... their hopelessness... their fear... their weakness... their tears... seemed to begin to take over my soul like a running fountain, closing my eyes had no effect on them but actually made them worse. All futile meaningless thoughts were lost in that moment and contentment and overabundance was found as I began to look around at the vast luxeries that we call necessessities surrounding me... finally I began to drift off with these thoughts hovering in my mind trying desperately to console...
why worry... what can you do?... I have to worry about my own life... they are so far away and there is nothing that I can do to help their souls... Illusions of the mind...
The morning suprised me and for a while they were lost behind the days agenda, but they soon found me again... as I worshiped, fellowshipped and tried to focus on other things. As they followed me they seemed to refine all of the thing in my life and day that have become rusted and faded and as I walked through each thought and reflected on the gifts of grace and thankfulness of the church, I considered all of the things I have to be grateful for with their images in mind and suddenly they began to shine brightly... like thousands of diamonds in a valley of rocks. As I try to push past my consuming thoughts I for a moment listen...
Peace offering catches my attention from the front of the building and we are all called to the front. As I made my way to the front of the building to offer a peace offering of thanks to my God they began crowding my mind and I quickly became overwhelmed by all of them. I stood there before Him lifting my offering up to the alter and I was only able to reach in and seperate one out of the many and I uttered my thankful offering to Him... "Peace, Lord, Your peace that You have left for me and all those who love You, amen." even them.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
~*Happy Thanksgiving*~
—C. H. Spurgeon inFlowers from a Puritan's Garden

I pray that you have a truly blessed Thanksgiving enjoying good food and family.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Breaking Free
I am tired of living in this self absorbed mind. It is almost unbearable to be behind these bars of prideful contempt, I just want to break free from them and step outside of myself and my little world.
My life is perfect; I think my life is perfect not because things are good but because of God's steadfast love and the hope that is given through His son. We are in the process of making plans for our Thanksgiving family gathering; who to visit, when, how long, what to bring and preparing baked goods to bring while other families are experiencing major hardships and issues in their lives and Thanksgiving doesn't make any exceptions for them. They are living in a dry dessert of mourning seperated from the love of God because they do not recognize Him, they somehow find the strength to endure hopelessly. I am trying to enjoy this "Thankful" season but am having a difficult time concentrating with all of these deeply concerned thoughts moldering around aimlessly in my shallow mind. I wish that my mind and my actions could meet together and decide for themselves to take steps in the same direction. I know that I sound rather dismal but these are my thoughts expressed fully with out restraint. I just felt that I needed to share what is going on in my head at the moment. Please don't get the wrong impression and read anything into my thoughts, I am utterly in love with my life and just life in general but... I weep so intensely inside for all of the suffering souls out there who have no hope in their lives, namely of course Christ and I also weep for the passion I have for their souls that is inprisoned inside me that can not seem escape the barricade of pride living inside me.
I hope that it is not taken that I am complaining or discontent in any way with the gifts that I have been given. I am however complaining about my discontentment with my ability to think on things above, to surrender to the Spirit inside me and to live faithfully to Christ my JOY. I have had a lot of time to think over the past few days considering my boys are absent, leaving our home unpleasantly quiet. I am actually able to "hear" my thoughts, collect them and record them. It is nice but... not all of my thoughts should be heard all at once. They are just flooding in one after the other. I miss my boys so much and can not wait to hear their voices tomorrow.
JOYfully in Him,
Note: I am turning off my comments if you wish to reach me email me :0)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Giving Thanks Saturday
The week of Giving Thanks at Kelli's is coming to an end today. I have been surprised by the JOY of thanksgiving through this little blogging adventure, wow. I wan't even sure if I was going to do it at first and then decided kind of last minute to step into it. Honestly, I don't like to commit to things for the fear of having to follow through with them but this little challenge turned out to surprise me in the end. I didn't have a problem staying commited like I thought I would and God had a few lessons for me to learn along the way. The journey is not over nor will it ever be and I know that He has many more lessons for me as I continue to walk slowly through each path that He has paved specifically for me. This week has made me realize how much I take for granted in this life and has inspired me to give thanks always...
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Now, I want to share a few pictures from my home:
"A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart."
Giving Thanks Friday
I sat at my kitchen table this morning with Superman and T-Rex as we did our "table time" for class. While Superman worked on his spelling I searched the word for "thankful" verses. I read through them letting them sink in and bring my heart and mind to praise. I read part of one to the boys: "Sing praises to the Lord, Oh you His saints, and give thanks to His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment and His favor is for a lifetime." Psalm 30: 30:4-5 Praise flowed. I don't think Superman and T-rex felt the same sweeping gratitude that leaped in my soul but I hope they experienced a glimpse of it through me.
We sat their together reflecting on all of the wonderful blessings that fill our life when my thoughts were turned to our health and I remembered all of the children and mothers who are suffering all over the world from illness or losses from those illnesses. I am thankful for a few of them personally for constantly turning my eyes to the Savior and encouraging my faith greatly.
We got down from the table and visited them and prayed over them...
Then we prayed together giving thanks to the One who is in control of these families, who is their Refuge and their Rock. (Psalm 31:1-5) We prayed for His continual presence in their lives and in ours.
I will leave you with a prayer I read this morning that dug deep into me.
(be sure not to pass over it leaving it behind but letting it spill out to God in praise)
O my God,
Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects,
my heart admires, adores, love thee,
for my little vessel is as full as it can be,
and I would pour out all that fullness before thee in ceaseless flow.
When I think upon and converse with thee
ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up,
ten thousands sources of pleasure are unsealed,
ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart,
crowding into every moment of happiness.
I bless thee for the soul thou hast created,
for adorning it, sanctifying it,
though it is fixed in barren soil;
for the body thou hast given me,
for preserving its strength and vigour,
for providing senses to enjoy delights,
for the ease and freedom of my limbs,
for hands, eyes, ears that do thy bidding,
for thy royal bounty providing my daily support,
for a full table and overflowing cup,
for appetite, taste, sweetness,
for social joys of relatives and friends,
for ability to serve others,
for a heart that feels sorrows and necessities,
for a mind to care for my fellow-men,
for opportunities of spreading happiness around,
for loved ones in the joys of heaven,
for my own expectation of seeing thee clearly.
I love thee above the powers of language to express,
for what thou art to thy creatures.
Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.
Give Thanks to God today for the many blessings that are surrounding you today and then head over to Kelli's to see other Giving Thanks posts!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Giving Thanks Thursday
And magnify Him with thanksgiving...
I am overwhelmed with His goodness and splendor that surround me. Sitting in my little humble home today I am reminded of the numerous blessings that He has so abundantly bestowed upon me an unworthy creature. My cup overflows... with thanksgiving for....
15. The chance that I am given as a mother to train my children in His righteousness, to be a building block to their faith. For the amazing journey I am able to embark on of homeschooling, what a wonderful privilege He has given me in keeping my Littles at home....
16. For those precious moments spent together enjoying nature and just eachother, laughing and realizing His presence.
17. Getting lost in a good book.
18. Of the amazing, truly amazing man that God created me for, he is perfect. I am so thankful that I am his and he is mine, that He saved him and raised him up to be a mighty servant for His kingdom, that He continually provides for us and that He reigns over our marriage...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Giving Thanks Wednesday
Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It
If you're thankful and you know it clap your hands.
If you're thankful and you know it Then your face will surely show it.
If you're thankful and you know it clap your hands.
Additional Verses:
Do All Three
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
I am thankful. I am thankful.
Yes I am! Yes I am!
I'm thankful for my family
And the friends who love me.
Yes I am! Yes I am!
5 little turkeys standing by door,
If turkeys thought,
Jack Prelutsky
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Giving Thanks Tuesday
~~Aileen Fisher~~
T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells - THANKS - for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Creating Traditions!

I grew up in a family that didn't have anything that even remotely resembled what is known as a tradition. After my grandparents adopted me at the age of 12 there were a few traditions that I can vaguely remember, but none of them have stuck with me and followed me to my own family. I have struggled over the years to create my own family traditions. Many years I have stressed out over them and pushed to hard to make some one elses traditions fit my unique family. I love to listen to familes as they share their own family traditions, they warm my heart. I really feel that traditions help not only to bring families closer together but also to create some extraordinary life long memories! I want that. I want to share some traditions that I have enjoyed experiencing lately and am thinking of altering them to mold our family.
Tablecloth of Thanks
A Thanksgiving Turkey
Turn over a New Leaf
Thankful Tree
I have thought of a few that might be do-able:
Letters of Thanks: send out a note of thanks to family and friends! Using this cute card idea.
Thankful Dessert: make a little desert for a neighbor/friend and attach a little notecard on it with why you are thankful for them.
Pre-Thanksgiving Meal: we travel for thanksgiving and so never have our own thanksgiving meal together, something simple but at the same time special.
I know that over the years we will aquire our own traditions and I can't wait to see what they will be, well yes I can wait but when the time comes it will be interesting to look back at how they all came about and why they stuck and to reflect on the many memories.
Please... I would SO love to hear some of your Thanksgiving family traditions!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Help me to pray Lord
How often if ever have you continued in prayer until you felt assured that God had anwsered it? Anyone? I can honestly say that I have never prayed with such faith and assurance. I have never locked myself in a quiet place and prayed until my heart was empty and until I just didn't think I could pray anymore, not really. I have attempted something similiar to this once in my 5 year Christian journey. There are so many people that are heavy on my heart and whom I pathetically and very casually pray for each day. There are so many days that I weep at my failure to consistently lift them up in prayer. Interceding for those I love in prayer should fill me with such joy and I should yearn to be in His presence with their needs. There was a time in my life when I truly understood and delighted in deep conversations with my heavenly Father. There was a 2 year period where I consistently every night asked God to save my husband to come into his heart and transform it. Every night for 2 years my heart pleaded with the maker of the universe and He heard my little voice and answered my cries of desperation for my husbands heart to love Him. Now we are together enjoying God and trying desperately to glorify Him. I desire to once again realize the joy of prayer, the life changing, transforming, power of prayer.
Often times when I entire into prayer with the Lord my humanly expectations are to ask solely for what I want, for what I need and not for what He wills. Looking at Luke 11:1, the disiples watched Jesus as He prayed to His Father in heaven and they were captivated and longed to know God the way He knew God and so they asked: "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." I know for a fact that my prayers do not call people's souls to leap with a longing to yearn for a deep relationship with God, definetly not like Jesus and they will never be like those of Jesus of course the only begotton son of God. I ask Jesus the same question and here is His anwser for me: And he said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed by your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation."
I don't know about you but I am so thankful that one of the disciples was bold enough to ask the son of God how to pray! I can just imagine standing there as He prayed and just being taken by the intimate love and relationship that was so evident. Jesus has given us the perfect example of exactly how to pray. Lets continue a little more down in Luke where we are told by Jesus: "And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
These descriptions speak of an earnestness and intensity; all too often, our prayers are merely wishes cast up to heaven, and this is not real prayer.
Plead with the Lord in prayer! Earnestly seek Him and His will for your life. Allow prayer to change you and that in it you will find deep satisfaction in the maker of the heavens and the earth. Let's listen to the words of Jesus as he instructs us in the pattern of prayer and let us believe them.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Life's Storms
Thursday, November 8, 2007
There was more than met the eye!
Here is a shot of Superman in his Halloween costume in front of an Optimus Prime poster for the picture on his cake.
We made our own invitations
Made an Allspark out of a a box with some spray paint and filled it with transformer coloring pages and transformer suckers.
And had a blast enjoying the party.
It was an awesome birthday party!
Where the heart is?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Let us..
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Meeting God
Great God, in public and private, in sanctuary and home, may my life be steeped in prayer, filled with the spirit of grace and supplication, each prayer perfumed with the incense of atoning blood. Help me, defend me, until from praying ground I pass to the realm of unceasing praise. Urged by my need, invited by Thy promises, called by Thy Spirit, I enter Thy presence, worshipping Thee with godly fear, awed by Thy majesty, greatness, glory, but encouraged by Thy love.
I am all poverty as well as all guilt, having nothing of my own with which to repay Thee, but I bring Jesus to Thee in the arms of faith, pleading His righteousness to offset my iniquities, rejoicing that He will weigh down the scales for me, and satisfy thy justice. I bless Thee that great sin draws out great grace, that, although the lest sin deserves infinite punishment because done against an infinite God, yet there is mercy for me, for where guilt is most terrible, there Thy mercy in Christ is most free and deep. Bless me by revealing to me more of His saving merits, by causing Thy goodness to pass before me, by speaking peace to my contrite heart; strengthen me to give Thee no rest untiI Christ shall reign supreme within me in every thought, word, and deed, in a faith that purifies the heart, overcomes the world, works by love, fastens me to Thee, and ever clings to the cross.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Giving Thanks
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Elisabeth Elliot
1 John 5:15
And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.
Today: Worship Him with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength... and at some point retreat to a quiet place and get on your knees and pray with belief in His power to move the mountains in your life and those around you.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Come on what are you afraid of?
Mar 11:22-24
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cover them with Prayer

They are both in need of our prayers. Please... don't leave here until you have lifted them both up in prayer to our Father. Ethan's parents ask this of you...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Superman saved me...
My journey into motherhood began with Superman flying into my life. He was a God send. Though he was not planned by Expresso and I God had ordained him to become a apart of our lives uniting us together forever and begining a long and hard journey for us to depart on. I was 19 and the last thing I had on my mind was being a mother and wife, the LAST thing! I will be honest here... I fell to my knees in tears when the + sign appeared. I was shocked and devasted, but He was working out His perfect will for my life whether I knew it or not. God sent me a son by the name of Eli aka Superman to begin my journey to His son.
And so 7 years ago tomorrow my journey began, the journey of slowly and painfully being transformed. Now as I sit here in this moment of time I can "see" His plan more clearly and I would not change a single experience that I went through in these 7 years.
It is so surreal that it has been 7 years since I began these journeys. Time has amazingly flown right by my eyes. He was so little and yet filled such a huge peice of my heart 7 years ago. He was an accident and a huge surprise and changed my life forever. I have said so many times that it was through Superman's arrival that God began to save my husband and me. He not only brought us joy... he brought us life. I LOVE this little creature and SO enjoy raising him.
Thank you God for sending my Superman to me and for the saving work of Your son Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Superman has...
Superman has...