Okay, it is 4 days until the 30 day Husband Encouragement Challenge. On February 1st, which is a Sunday, we will enter our first “official” day of encouragement. For the next 2 days I want to encourage you to be examining yourself in light of scripture in your walk as a created helpmeet for the man in your life. Consciously observe, if that is possible from the inside out, your behavior, your reactions in certain situations, your demeanor and body language… notice your struggles, your weaknesses, your desires and convictions. Set a piece of paper aside with a pen (a journal if you like) and as you become aware of certain things, take some time to write them down so that in the future you can look over them, bring them God and surrender them to His Lordship. Be careful not to allow deceit and excuses to hinder you from the full freedom of surrender in admitting where you fall short and where His Spirit is needed to fill in. During this time put your pride-guard down and allow Him to consume you and overtake any of those areas. Glance sincerely into the eyes of your heart and view yourself through the lens of Christ.
On Friday the 30th, this Friday, I am encouraging you, strongly encouraging you (if you are able to that is) to spend some time in prayer and fasting. Take your list and your heart and get on the ground in humbleness to your Father in seeking His guidance and strength for this journey to die in order to love more fully as Christ. I don’t think we completely understand what weight our calling as a wife has on the glory of Christ… if only we would grasp it more fully and think on it more often. In this time that you set apart focus on your role in the marriage… ask God to give you wisdom in all of your areas and guidance… pray for Him to show you the doors, the way of escape in times of weakness and temptation to fall short and give in… commit yourself to self sacrificing love… to endurance… to forgiveness… to humility… to joyful service… and reliance on His power alone working through you. Know that when I say time set apart I don’t necessarily mean for you to spend the day or hours on your knees in your room while your family starves but more internally as you continue to serve and love, but if it is possible I think it would be great if you could steal some truly “set apart time” on your knees hidden in your room, closet or bathroom. This is serious God honoring business and we need to be prepared for the battles that will come through our strivings to be a wife that defies the culture because through that HE.WILL. BE. GLORIFIED. And he will set out to stop us dead in our tracks, cause us to doubt, set up stumbling blocks and our hearts and minds better be ready to fight his schemes to steal His glory. Things will happen to cause you to doubt your mission these next 30 day but in each of these it is vital to remember where your strength is found and where your confidence is and that is in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior… we may stumble and fall but we stand on a Solid Rock that can not be moved! We are covered in grace… so keep walking in faith… pick up that Sword…
Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11
Saturday I will post more thoughts on details…please in this post let me know (if you haven't already) if you are up for the challenge… so that we can share in a sweet fellowship and encouragement.
JOYfully in Him,

I am going to do this with you! I had forgotten all about it in the midst of craziness around here(mine, lol) but I am committing to this with you! :)
Sorry I haven't commented in awhile; will try to do better!! Your writings encourage me SO!!
I'm so up for the challenge and very excited to be working on this. Thank you!!
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