Before Sunday meets us with her bright glimmering (hopefully) rays of light let us have a Place to come each morning to remember our commitment to encouragement... a place to rest our thoughts and capture our hearts on paper. I have two resting places in mind... one for you to sit, commune and collect and another for you to capture... a quiet place for you to be still in communion with your Father and in collecting all of your hearts lingering reflections and a place with in that place to capture them for future reflection. Seriously, find a quiet place in your home just for you and then find a place, a journal or notebook to capture. Don't run out and buy a journal or new pretty notebook unless you want to of course. Use your current journal, make a journal with paper and stamps and other embellishments or just grab a little folder and hide some paper with in it. Don't focus to much on the "appearance" but rather the purpose. With in your notebook/journal if you want you can slip, glue or mold these pages:
30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives
Journal Pages
30 Day Husband Encouragement Calendar
These are not necessary but can definetly be helpful. I love the calendar. Keep this little notebook of yours accesible for you to continue to capture during this challenge. I have no doubt that it will serve to encourage you during and after this journey... be creative... pour your heart into these pages through the love ink left behind.
I really find it encouraging to keep a little 'LOVE JOURNAL' if you will to just record my thoughts. I am seriously considering making this husband encouragement challenge a continual thing to keep me accountable, thinking about every 3 months... so the next one would be in May. Now I plan on continueing to live out my calling as a wife on a daily basis but every 3 months to really focus and record...
Today, if you are able, find some time to fast and pray. Here are some really good articles on fasting and praying:
Father God... I thank you for this day we have been given to display Your glory and light in this dark world... I thank you for allowing us to open our eyes this morning and retrieve this gift of life, to spend with our families, to spend in service loving You with all of our heart, soul, minds and strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Father I pray over each woman who has commited herself to wholeheartidly and intentionally live out her callling as a wife... grant them each humblesness as they seek to put their husbands above themselves even when their emotions tell them that maybe they are not worthy and when she feels the eyes of feminism glaring down at her, give each one the ability to forgive quickly, to love radically, to walk in faith, to speak only with gentleness and kindness, to have a spirit of submissiveness and respect, to have a joyful heart and a willingness to sacrafice her time. Father, You are good and I praise You, walk with us Lord and remind us that we are continually in Your presence and remind us of the significance of what we are doing in our roles as wives. In the name of Jesus... Amen.
JOYfully in Him,

I am going to use Nancy DeMoss' (Praying for Your Husband; 31 Days of Prayer) along with the challenge. Do you know what I am talking about? If not, I can find the link for you. :)
I used this the last time and combining the two was the most wonderful thing. My husband could really see the difference!
Let me know if you need the link! SO glad you are doing this!!!
Catching up on your blog since I have power back...(Thank You God). I cant wait for Sunday! I am so ready to get this started. The last time I did, I could tell a difference in my husband and myself. Thank You.
I'm in. My husband and my marriage really needs this right now.
Thanks for the printables.
@Julie I'd love a link to the prayer guide.
Your blog is so beautiful! Is that your quiet time place in the pic? Wow - love it! :)
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