Before Sunday meets us with her bright glimmering (hopefully) rays of light let us have a Place to come each morning to remember our commitment to encouragement... a place to rest our thoughts and capture our hearts on paper. I have two resting places in mind... one for you to sit, commune and collect and another for you to capture... a quiet place for you to be still in communion with your Father and in collecting all of your hearts lingering reflections and a place with in that place to capture them for future reflection. Seriously, find a quiet place in your home just for you and then find a place, a journal or notebook to capture. Don't run out and buy a journal or new pretty notebook unless you want to of course. Use your current journal, make a journal with paper and stamps and other embellishments or just grab a little folder and hide some paper with in it. Don't focus to much on the "appearance" but rather the purpose. With in your notebook/journal if you want you can slip, glue or mold these pages:
30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives
Journal Pages
30 Day Husband Encouragement Calendar
These are not necessary but can definetly be helpful. I love the calendar. Keep this little notebook of yours accesible for you to continue to capture during this challenge. I have no doubt that it will serve to encourage you during and after this journey... be creative... pour your heart into these pages through the love ink left behind.
I really find it encouraging to keep a little 'LOVE JOURNAL' if you will to just record my thoughts. I am seriously considering making this husband encouragement challenge a continual thing to keep me accountable, thinking about every 3 months... so the next one would be in May. Now I plan on continueing to live out my calling as a wife on a daily basis but every 3 months to really focus and record...
Today, if you are able, find some time to fast and pray. Here are some really good articles on fasting and praying: