Monday, April 7, 2008

To Live

It is such an amazing blessing to be alive. To live in the breath of time. It is to much for any heart to fully express. Today was a beautiful day and not just because the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the breeze was just right but because for another day I was granted the little things that so often pass me by... rocking my baby angel, jumping on the trampoline like a 7 year old, cooking and cleaning (imagine that), laughing at my Superman's funny remark about why he wants to be homeschooled for the rest of his life, running my fingers through his dirty blonde hair during our evening devotional, watching T-Rex rest peacefully on the couch after a LONG outlasting in the corner, leaving encouraging words for Expresso to stumble upon, quiet time to just meditate on life, on the Word, being outside soaking up time in creation and just breathing in and out, in and out. I realize how much I take this gift for granted. It passes so quickly and I just sit back and watch it go for the most part instead of jumping in it and soaking it up with this life.

Live... in life not outside of it. Arise... join those little feet pitter pattering all around you. Slip... into the conversation on the floor behind you. Leave... the rest behind that you have been calling living. Enjoy... the time given to you in the simple things of family.

Glory... Worship... Praise...

Lord, let us give ourselves selflessly to You through the use of our time with our family in our callings of being a wife, mother and homekeeper. May we know what it means to live for You and Love as Christ loved.


Cindy Swanson said...

I LOVE the title of your blog, and your positive, joyful spirit! This post was really convicted me about my need to enjoy and appreciate life all around me. I tend to trudge through the early part of the week because it's my least favorite. But I need to start enjoying life ALL the time! Thanks for the reminder. I loved visiting your blog today!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful thoughts! Thank you for pouring your heart out - it is a blessing.