Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Christ... our reality

"This is the mystery of the riches of divine grace for sinners, for by a wonderful exchange our sins are now not ours but Christ's, and Christ's righteousness is not Christ's, but ours."

"I feel as if Jesus Christ died only yesterday."

Martin Luther

Oh how I wish I had the reality that Luther had, that Christ was such an extreme reality in his life. That is my desire, for Christ to be real to me, so real that I can feel His presence near me as I walk this path of life, so real that He consumes my heart with the riches of His grace. That I fall to my knees in worship daily not out of obligation but out of a heart full of gratitude and awe. I dispise that I have lived so long with the idea in mind that Christ saved me thousands of years ago and then continued to walk daily ignoring Him in my life now, as if He were dead. Oh... He is not DEAD He is very much ALIVE, He is ALIVE, and this is for us to understand as mothers, as wives as homekeepers! He is real ladies... He wasn't just a reality in the word of God He is a reality in your daily life, realize that everything you have and are able to do is only because He is real and alive. Live. Live not for yourself. Live not for your children. Live not for your husband. Live today, tomorrow and forever for Him, the living Christ, your Savior for He gave His life for you and not only that but much more took the wrath of God for your sins onto Himself and you now are counted righteous by your faith in Him. Live.

1 comment:

Thia said...

I've been journaling for more than half my life and am always interested in seeing how other people use theirs. Thank you for sharing. Some day I would like to be more creative with mine, but with two kids, three and under, I barely have time to write at all some days.