Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Farewell Christmas 2007

The days of December have quickly passed along and the new year approaches with it's lingering presence, just days away. I can feel it breathing down my neck. I will miss another year transfered into my memory and I long for the newness of another. 2008. We spent our week before Christmas visiting with family in Louisiana. Unfortunetly on our trip into La. we experienced a tragedy with Butterfly. After a few hours of driving with heavy eye lids we stop for a breather and some coffee. A few minutes at the table of a restaurant and our beautiful Butterfuly found my cup of very hot coffee. We were unaware that she was in reaching distance of the cup until in a split second. One second we were all laughing and about to enjoy our road trip break and the next we were frantically rushing to the hospital where we found out she had second degree burns on her forearm of her right arm. We were devasted that she was in so much pain and in guilt for some how allowing it to happen. We praised God though that it was not much worse such as her face or all over her body, it was a big cup and it soaked her jeans and sweat shirt. God is good. The incident we know had a purpose and we trusted God in it, though we may not fully understand why these things happen. The rest of the trip went smoothly and she was given the strength to endure her injury with no signs of pain or discomfort at all, again praise God!

While we were in Louisiana we were able to visit with many family members and just enjoy them. Unfortunetly my side of the family had to cancel on us for medical reasons and we were all really disappointed with that. We were also extremely blessed to visit with some friends as well... one of my closet friends and let me tell you that there is no one friendship like hers. We enjoyed a fabulous time of shopping together.

Monday, also known as my birthday and the day before Christmas or Christmas Eve, we were on the road again. We left Louisiana at 11:45 and walked in our door at 7:30 completely exhausted but anxious about our family celebration of Christmas. Christmas day was a BLAST! The Littles loved all of their gifts, of course! and we had so much playing together with them. We then were so blessed to spend an amazing time of fellowship with our close friends for dinner. Praise God that He brought us all together on such a special day.

And now we are back to reality... bills to pay, books to return to the library, homeschooling planning for next week, a house to straigten, clean, declutter and organize, loans to tackle, new habits to form, resolutions to make, lists to conquer, cars to clean and register, old toys to dispose of and new toys to embrace, laundry to do, meals to plan and sleep to get. Oh, it's good to be home, :0).

JOYfully in Him,


Robin said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the accident with Butterfly. A friends daughter reached out for a heater at about the same age. She's 5 now and still faces some hand surgery. Things happen so fast. I pray she is unscarred and that you can forgive yourself.

AND... Happy Birthday! I hope it was nice.

Merry Christmas.

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Wow, Kelli, how awful for Butterfly! I'm glad she was still able to enjoy the trip. Please don't feel guilty - it's absolutely impossible to foresee everything active little minds conceive. It's so nice to hear you enjoyed both your vacation and your Christmas. And now on to a new year!!

PJ Academy said...

Oh no!! Praying for little Butterfly!!

Happy Birthday!!! =) Hope it was a great one!!


ByHISgoodGrace said...

Oh my gosh, you poor thing, it must have been so horrific for you guys and especially for Butterfly. It's amazing for you to know in the midst of it all, that God's hand was upon you and for you to look for the lesson. So inspiring. Praying she heals quickly and that your heart does too!