Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas among Packing...

I am trying to be thankful and joyful as I follow His plan for my future during this Christmas season. I will CHOOSE (keyword) Joy, JOY found only in Christ. I am looking beyond my feelings and my fears and to the JOY set before me in trusting my Savior and God.

In order for me to do this I must lay out a "plan of action" so I can see it. I have been focused on the boys room right now but with the constant battle of toys in the playroom I am turning my focus to it tomorrow. I am spending the day packing up ALL of the toys, I know it is early to leave my kids with out their source of play but don't worry I will allow them to pack a small bag each of the toys of their choosing. I think that it will help them to appreciate what they have and through this time teach them to look for His blessings in other ways other than the "toys" in their life.

I have a 3 step plan for the boys room and plan to be finished with step 2 today...

Boys Room:
Step 1: Clearing
*Clear out toys
*Clear out trash
*Set aside dirty clothes

Step 2: Boxes (Finish Dec. 10: today)
*Give away/sale
*Unused items
*Unused items
*Extra blankets and bags

Step 3: Boxes (Finish sometime next week; Friday?)
*Organize memory box in closet and under bed
*Shoes (seperate Superman and T-Rex)
*Pack winter clothes not kept out for remainder of time
*Last pieces of decoration (curtains, lamp, shelf, letters & planets) & bedding.

Play Room:
Step 1: Finish by Dec. 11 (tomorrow) Pack...
*Dress up
*Swords & Guns
*Skate boards
*Cars & Trucks
*Building Blocks/Toys
*Puzzles & Games
*Play Food and Grill

I plan on packing them in big ziplock baggies if they are small enough to fit. I will sift through them all as I go.I will be significantly down sizing in this area. Some are destined for trash, others for Grandmas and others, the fortunet ones, for their new home.

I figure if I pack some each day until the 19th then I will have made a HUGE chunck of progress by the time we start packing for real to leave. And this way it is not as chaotic and stressful on us. I want to finish by the 19th, have a Garage Sale on the 20th, take the Christmas week off to celebrate Christ as a family and then get busy packing either on the 26th or the 27th and then drive out in our Uhaul on the 29th possibly the 30th. Oh how I pray I will work diligently so that this plan will work. We will see :0). I might be laughing later at my over optimistic plans.

On to one of my favorite Christmas songs preformed by Third Day...

I am hoping to post some of our Christmas crafts we have enjoyed doing as well.

JOYfully in Him,

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