Sunday, August 17, 2008

God my Father... Hallowed by Your Name

I believe and have always believe that we serve a very personal and holy God but just recently I have come to know Him in an even more personal way; as Father, my Father. This is very significant for me because I have never had a father and to this day I do not know my real father. I believe that his absence in my life has had a major affect on my relationship with God as my heavenly Father. It has been a life changing realization for me to know Him in such a personal and intimate way, it has changed how I approach His throne of grace and how I understand who I am. In realizing this I truly understand my adoption and that Jesus as my brother and friend. I am apart of His eternal family.

On the 6 hour trip down here we listened to 3 different sermons by Piper and Washer and one of them struck a major heart cord with me that has continued to wring in my ears. So often we or I live with the deceiving idea that I do things simply in service for man in service for God when the reality found in the Lord's Prayer is that I do everything to hallow His name, to honor His holy name . That is what I live to do first and foremost, to hallow His most high and glorious name first and out of that flows the service of others. It is such a profoud reminder that there is no other like Him, He is set apart, He is the I am and I long only to serve and honor Him and in that everything else such as saving souls will follow in it's glorious shadow. Know what I mean?

We are getting ready for our "interview" this evening. They will have a meeting where all of the parents can ask us questions (scary) and then later Expresso will lead a devotional for the church and a devotional for the youth. We were both very encouraged by this mornings interaction with the youth and the church. We so long to just seek the Lord's direction in this, for His will not our own and it is so hard at times to seperate our thoughts and realize how much of them are ours and how much are His but we are deep in prayer and meditation.

JOYfully in Him,
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Soakin' said...

Looking forward to hearing how your interviews went. My husband was a pastor for 5 years and I remember the process oh so well of finding just that right spot God has for you.

cryssi said...
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cryssi said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Although I dont know what it is like to have to go through interviews for a position such as this, I do know what it is like to wait on Gods will and to Follow His guiding hand. I cant wait to hear about the interviews...


ByHISgoodGrace said...

Wow, this is such an amazing revelation. Powerful.
I'd love to know what those sermons were, where I can find them? We often use
I heard John Piper speak at Together for the Gospel (highly recommend you two go there in 2010.) Then, I met him in person in Borders!

ByHISgoodGrace said...

praying for you guys, waiting to hear what God has in store for you...